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I think the struggle is pretty self explanatory on this one, it goes out to a friend.  It’s a story all too familiar to most of us, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  Such struggles make us stronger, move us forward and help us develop the character and patience all of us need to build future relationships, even if our current efforts may be in vain.

Once again the night grows dark and man cries in the distance.
He misses what he held so dear but surely drove away.

But pursues her with a new found flame, a strong burning persistence.
And so regrets his very vice that forced what he did say.

Yet, as he walks along his path, he’s met with tough resistance.
Then retreats, right back in thought, to try another day.

For now, he feels alone again, a life of just subsistence.
Clinging to the little hope he has and tries to pray.

But all’s not lost, he would be fine, with adequate assistance.
You see, he needs to separate from things that seem cliche.

For when you want to prove yourself, find words of strong consistence.
So that, you both, are on a team, in words you do portray.

See, no one wants to be alone, for all of their existence.
With knowledge then, you’ll know just how to win back your bouquet.

And so, to you, I wish the best, in any step you play.
You do your best, follow your gut, it surely won’t betray.

Yet realize as you really should, one’s job is not to sway.
While hooray is quite often good, the same is of okay.